
Top 7 Motivational Books must Read, The Billionaire Book Club

Books by self-made 

billionaires to guide you in 

business and in life.

"Business @ the Speed of Thought: Succeeding in the Digital Economy" by Bill Gates

Written almost 2 decades back, the book is a must read for business leaders who want to use information flow to gain a competitive edge.

In the book, Gates argues that businesses need a digital counterpart to the human nervous system and demonstrates how technology can transform any business

The Essays of Warren Buffett by Warren Buffett

Business Tycoon Warren Buffett shares a collection of letters to shareholders with his readers. This book features letters that distill in plain words all the basic principles of sound business practices and offers extraordinary insight into his business philosophy

How to Win at the Sport of Business by Mark Cuban

The Dallas Mavericks owner and "Shark Tank" investor Mark Cuban writes candidly about how he went from sleeping on friends' couches in his 20s to owning his own company and becoming a multimillionaire!

This book will be the inspiration you need to push forward during hard times.

"The Path Made Clear: Discovering Your Life's Direction and Purpose" by Oprah Winfrey

The legendary talk show host and the self made billionaire, Oprah Winfrey, had some heart wrenching moments in her life. In her book, she shares her experiences and insights into overcoming hardships.

"Shoe Dog: A Memoir By the Creator of Nike" by Phil Knight

In his book, Phil Knight offers a refreshingly honest memoir about a he built a shoe empire thane earned him the nickname "the man berlinwood

Fun Fact: In 2016, Bill Gates named Knight's book as one his five favourites.

"Lean In: Women, Work, and the Will to Lead" by Sheryl Sandberg

Inspiring, well-researched and written with humor and wisdom, the Facebook COO's book offers advice for individual growth that will empower women around the world to achieve their full potential and how men can benefit by supporting women both in the workplace and at home.

"Zero to One: Notes on Startups, or How to Build the Future" by Peter Thiel

With many feathers in his cap, co founder of PayPal, Peter Thiel explains the philosophy he used along his path to financial success and offers a new way of thinking about innovation.

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